Winter Solstice is Coming, Plant Garlic
The Winter Solstice is the day that the Earth is the furthest away from the Sun. For us here is the Southern Hemisphere this day is June 21st or 22nd it can change from year to year. For 2022 it is on the 21st of June for Auckland at 9.12 pm will be the turning point as we tilt back towards the sun. Whereas in 2023 it is on the 22nd of June and at 02:56 AM.
At Winter Solstice it is the longest night and shortest day of the year, the length will depend on where you site in latitude on the Earths surface. Latitude is the measure that runs from the equator out to the North & South Pole these can be seen on a chart or globe as lines. The Equator is the closest to the Sun so therefore the hottest area, Antarctica & the Artic are the furthest away so the coldest. The light hours are reflected in this with the poles having no sunrise on Winter Solstice and all-day sun on the summer solstice. The equator remains relatively equal all year round.
In religions around the world Winter Solstice is celebrated. For ancient Pagans and actually Pagans of today Winter Solstice is called Yule. A time to celebrate the return of the sun, the warming of the Earth and the coming of spring to awaken the Earth into abundance.
For many Winter Solstice brings a variety of ceremonies, in Norway they have a Yule Log Ceremony where they find a large log to place on to the fire it can be decorated up and be wrapped in herbs or written on with intentions for the year ahead.
This time of year is a beautiful time to nurture yourself with long sleeps, snuggling by the fire and allowing the sleepiness of the Earth to resonate with your own body, mind & spirit. Think of ways that you can nurture your wellbeing over the next week or more. It may be a long warm bath with candles, reading a magazine in front of the fire place, cooking a soup up with home-made bread. Treat yourself to some you time.
Yule or Winter Solstice is a time in the lead up to declutter, to get rid of the old to allow in the new, we have already had May with its decluttering energy field but if you have anything else you would like to re-access and declutter now is the time. After Winter Solstice is the time to set new goals into action and new beginnings. Over the last few months it has been a continuous message declutter and create a new beginning, a new Earth.
This year a group of my friends and myself are getting together for a big Winter Solstice party, bring a pot luck supper, making a punch to share, and decorating a hall with pine branches and decoration. Celebrating our friendship, coming together due to this crazy times and celebrating learning so much off each other it will be an awesome evening of celebration.
In Mangawhai in the North Island our winters are mild, generally wet, chilly but sometimes without a frost due to living right next to the ocean. Broccoli’s, caulis, carrots and other winter vegies are in abundance in my garden and we are very lucky to be able to easily grow vegies all year round. Check out my Instagram @oceangypsylifestyle to see my garden, tips and tricks I have learnt over the years. I also post on TikTok @oceangypsylifestyle. It garlic growing season check out the how to below.
For the garden traditionally Garlic was planted on the Winter Solstice, so buy in your garlic bulbs now. I got 2 kg of garlic from Garlico a Marlborough Company that grows all the garlic here in New Zealand. The bulbs are amazing!
When planting garlic you need healthy bulbs, you plant the cloves of garlic in prepared beds that have been nourished with compost, seaweed, manure and allow to sit over three weeks to decompose. But if you are in a hurry adding compost in with commercial sheep & chicken pellets will do the trick.
Plant your garlic clove with the thinner pointy piece facing up and the root down. Place them a clove deep so just the tip of the clove is showing above ground. If your soil get very wet in winter, then mound up the soil and plant of the mound, this will ensure the bulb will not rot. Plant the garlic a length of your hand apart. In cold places where the ground freezes starting your bulbs in a green house for planting out in spring is best.
You should get shoots in a few weeks, nourishing the soil monthly to keep up nutrients with blood and bone, worm wee, worm castings, seaweed and manure tea will give you a bumper crop.
If you plant on the shortest day then generally harvest on the longest day Summer Soletic. When harvesting gently ease out with a fork, if you are saving garlic for seed for the next season be extra careful to keep the garlic intact. Many varieties you can plait the tops together to form a bunch of garlic, hang in a cool, dry place away from damp is very important, a car port is excellent.
Some places you can buy your garlic bulbs from are
Koanga Gardens but with these guys you need to order really in Feb time
Enjoy this lovely time of celebration, set your intentions for the rest of the year as the Southern Hemisphere comes to life with the energy of the sun’s warmth. Happy Winter Solstice 🙂
Clare x
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