Hypnosis, what is it? A basic introduction.
Hypnosis or Trance is an everyday state of being that we go in and out of over 100 times per day. When we are watching T.V for example we go into a state of hypnosis.
Hypnosis occurs as our conscious mind takes a back seat and the sub-conscious mind portal opens. In this state of being we are more open to suggestion and can change our blueprint programs that we run sub-consciously each and every day.
The blueprint programs are developed from the moment of conception and designed from 0 to 7 years old. As all children at this age are continuously in hypnosis. Events that occur in our life also shape the blueprint programs.
Our sub-conscious mind are your programs of beliefs, habits, behaviours, emotions, imagination, perception and attitudes.
Our conscious mind is the thinking, chatty, rational, analytical part of the mind.
Hypnotherapy is a safe modality that can see amazing results in a relatively quick space of time.
In hypnosis you will never go against your beliefs, you can come out of hypnosis at any time you wish, you can function as you would in a conscious mind state and you can hear whatever is going on around you. We are often in hypnosis when driving our car, this can be seen when we can’t remember how we got to our destination.
Through hypnosis patterns of behaviour can be changed. Hypnotherapy like any healing modality takes time, improvements maybe seen straight away, in a week or a month or months.
With hypnotherapy individual consultations this is a quick and easy way to create life long solutions of many issues that keep being repeated in life.
Keeping a journal of how you feel when you start and how you feel in a months time, 6 months time and a years time will see how far you have come. This is beneficial as we often forget our progress.
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